Guide to printables
Let start with what is a printable?
Simply put, a printable is a DIY paper good supplied as a file to download and print out yourself. Use your home printer, it's very easy, or just pass the file onto a pro.
It's quick, easy, and you can be as creative as you like. If you're stuck follow the guide below.
Is your file an editable PDF?
You will receive a link by email to download the file once your have completed the checkout process. Check your junk mail if you don't see the email.
Print it! When you're ready print at home, upload it to an online printer or pop it onto a usb and take it to your local print shop. -
You will receive a link by email to download the file once your have completed the checkout process. Check your junk mail if you don't see the email.
Make sure you are using adobe reader. Editable PDFs are for use in adobe reader which is a FREE DOWNLOAD HERE if you don't already have it.
To edit the text just highlight it and start typing over the top. For further edits such as font and colour of font changes you can use CTRL+E (command+E on a Mac). Remember you may need to decrease the font size to fit certain wording, this is available with the controls above, and you can also increase it's size to a certain point. Fonts will be as shown on the listing but you can change them to fonts you have on your system if you prefer. If you need to save, when you're ready select 'SAVE AS' (Remember 'SAVE AS' not save)
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How do you supply files?
All files are sent as PDFs or JPGs - check the individual listing. Downloads with multiple files, such as different size options, are zipped and you just need to double click to unzip the file once you download it. Editable files such as invites are always in PDF format and we only support adobe reader. It is a FREE DOWNLOAD HERE if you don't already have it. Make sure before you start trying to make edits that you are indeed in the adobe reader program and not something like your web browser which some computers will automatically open PDFs in if you double click on the file.
You will also need a computer. Most files are not designed to be edited or printed from a phone or tablet.
Paper colour and type
We suggest printing on a good quality thick white or off white paper / card stock or photo paper in matte or gloss. This will ensure great printing results from home. If you want to get a little trickier then read on...
There are a huge number of paper choices out there from plain white to high gloss, recycled to shimmer and textured effects. The choice is totally up to you. Most importantly we recommend using a quality thick paper for all stationery and accessories. A card stock around 200-250gsm is great, that's about 140lbs. Art and craft shops will stock good ranges of paper, also try your local office supply store.The best advice we can give is read the packaging to ensure it is designed for your type of printer then test it first, and keep your receipt.
Remember, there is no such thing as white ink, if you see white in a design that is simply an area where there is nothing printed at all. None of our designs require special coloured papers, its all in the file, but you may choose to print onto coloured paper or kraft paper. Just bear in mind the 'white in a design is simply an area where there is nothing printed' so instead of being white it will be whatever colour paper you chose.
Paper size
Most files are supplied to be printed on sheets of either A4 or Letter sized paper, so not matter where you live you can print at home using the same file. Some items come in larger formats that you may need to have professionally printed.
Professional printing
If you don't feel like printing at home yourself, or have a larger sized item, just give it to a professional. There are plenty of great online printers that you can simply upload the file to, or pop it onto a USB stick and take it to your local printer or copy shop. Somewhere like kinkos, officeworks or staples for example.
Remember 'photo labs' are not professional printers, they are photo printers, and many may only take a JPG.
Note: Colours may vary slightly depending on your monitor, printer and paper but all efforts are made to give an accurate view.